Blogging as a Business

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Blogging as a Business

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dc.contributor.advisor Haltofová, Barbora Lehotská, Lesia 2017-07-03T09:14:21Z 2017-07-03T09:14:21Z 2016-11-11
dc.identifier Elektronický archiv Knihovny UTB
dc.description.abstract Bakalárska práca je zameraná na lifestylové blogy, ktoré zahŕňajú módu, krásu a cestovanie. Teoretická časť opisuje blogovanie a online marketing ako dôležitý nástroj pre podnikanie blogovaním. V praktickej časti je vytvorená komparatívna analýza amerických a európskych blogov. Skúma parametre ako napríklad umiestnenie reklamy, štruktúra blogu a marketingové stratégie. V závere práce autor navrhuje určité zlepšenia popularity blogov.
dc.format 50 s. (66 000 znakov)
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
dc.rights Bez omezení
dc.subject Biznis cs
dc.subject Blogovanie cs
dc.subject Lifestylový blog cs
dc.subject Marketing cs
dc.subject Sociálne siete cs
dc.subject Reklama značiek cs
dc.subject Business en
dc.subject Blogging en
dc.subject Brand advertising en
dc.subject Lifestyle blog en
dc.subject Marketing en
dc.subject Social media en
dc.title Blogging as a Business
dc.title.alternative Blogging as a Business
dc.type bakalářská práce cs
dc.contributor.referee Virglerová, Zuzana 2017-06-13
dc.description.abstract-translated The bachelor thesis is focused on the lifestyle blogs which include fashion, beauty and travel content. Theoretical part describes the blogging and online marketing as an important tool of blogging as a business. In the practical part, comparative analysis of American and European blogs is being done. It examines parametres such as advertisement placement, layout of blogs and marketing strategies. At the end of the thesis, author suggests some improvements of the popularity on the blogs.
dc.description.department Ústav moderních jazyků a literatur Anglický jazyk pro manažerskou praxi cs English for Business Administration en Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně. Fakulta humanitních studií cs Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Faculty of Humanities en Bc. Filologie cs Philology en
dc.identifier.stag 46108
utb.result.grade E 2017-05-02
local.subject internetové podnikání cs
local.subject blogy cs
local.subject životní styl cs
local.subject móda cs
local.subject cestování cs
local.subject electronic business en
local.subject blogs en
local.subject life style en
local.subject fashion en
local.subject travelling en

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