Planning of Industrial Towns of the Bata Company

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Planning of Industrial Towns of the Bata Company

Show simple item record Prášilová, Dagmar 2013-12-10T12:35:02Z 2013-12-10T12:35:02Z 2007
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-903948-0-3
dc.description.abstract This contribution deals with urbanistic forms employed by Bata substidiaries. The ground plan of "towns-factories" was based on a rational functional pattern. Some of the towns looked like a production line; these are towns using the linear concept. An example of this concept is the town of Martfu-Tiszafoldvar in Hungary, which ranked among the best operating Bata models. en
dc.format text
dc.format.extent 308-314
dc.language.iso cs
dc.publisher Nadace Tomáše Bati
dc.publisher Viribus Unitis
dc.relation.ispartof Tomáš Baťa - doba a společnost : sborník příspěvků ze stejnojmenné zlínské konference, pořádané ve dnech 30. listopadu - 1. prosince 2006
dc.title Planning of Industrial Towns of the Bata Company en
dc.title Plánování průmyslových měst firmy Baťa cs
dc.type conferenceObject cs
bata.event.title Tomáš Baťa - doba a společnost
bata.publisher-location Brno
bata.citation.spage 308
bata.citation.epage 314 2007
bata.category architektura cs
bata.order 321

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